The PC-SIG Library 10
The PC-Sig Library - Shareware for the IBM PC and Compatibles (PC-SIG)(Tenth Edition Disks 1-2804)(1991).iso
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79 lines
Disk No: 2095
PC-SIG Version: 1.801
Program Title: VIRUSCAN
Author Version: V80
Author Registration: $25.00
Special Requirements: Two floppy drives.
Stop viruses in their tracks! VIRUSCAN scans diskettes or entire
systems for known viruses, identifies the intruder, removes the virus,
and often repairs any damage to the system.
VIRUSCAN looks for any preexisting PC virus infection. Over 714
different virus strains and numerous sub-varieties for each strain can
be identified by this program. These viruses include the ten most
common viruses that account for over 95% of all reported PC infections.
The documentation lists all the viruses by name (and what a list), for
example: "The Do-Nothing Virus, Lisbon Virus, Ghost Virus-Ghostball,
New Jerusalem, Disk Killer-Ogre, Dark Avenger, 1514- Datacrime II,
Icelandic-II, and the Pakistani Brain, to name a few.
It indicates the specific files or system areas infected and identifies
the virus strain that's caused the infection. Removal can then be done
automatically, or as a separate step.
Program Title: VSHIELD (formerly Scanres)
Author Version: V80
Author Registration: $25.00
Special Requirements: Two floppy drives.
The memory resident version of VIRUSCAN, VSHIELD prevents viruses from
getting into your system in the first place. It monitors and scans
programs as they're loaded and prevents infected programs from
executing. It also scans specific areas of the system -- the boot
sector, partition table, hidden files, command interpreter and itself,
when it is first executed. It's your first line of defense against
virus attacks.
Program Title: CLEAN-UP
Author Version: V80
Author Registration: $35.00
Special Requirements: Two floppy drives.
The last in VIRUSCAN's trilogy of defense, CLEAN-UP kills
and removes computer viruses, and in most instances, repairs infected
files, reconstructs damaged programs and returns the system to normal
operation. It works for all viruses identified by the current version
CLEAN-UP searches the entire system looking for the virus that you wish
to remove. When found, the infected file is identified, the virus is
isolated and removed, and for the more common viruses, the infected file
is repaired. If the file is infected with a less common virus that
can't be separated from the file, the infected
file is wiped from the disk and deleted from the system.
Program Title: VCOPY
Author Version: V77
Author Registration: $15.00
Special Requirements: Two floppy drives.
VCOPY is a replacement for the DOS Copy command that adds virus checking
to the copying process. VCOPY checks the source and destination
diskettes for boot sector and partition table viruses, as well as the
files being copied for file-infecting viruses. VCOPY prevents infected
viruses from entering your system and, if it finds one, identifies which
virus it has detected and its location. Furthermore, VCOPY will check
for viruses inside LZEXED files and will tell you if the infection is
internal or external to the file.
1030D East Duane Avenue
Sunnyvale Ca. 94086
(408) 730-9291
(c) Copyright 1991 PC-SIG, Inc.